"An excellent overview of classic issues and theories in leadership by some of the field's most respected scholars. The book is ideal for classroom use because it provides a nice blend of practitioner and scientific approaches to leadership." —Robert C. Liden, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Vecchio's approach to leadership covers the entire range of classic and contemporary leadership theory and research. This book contains essential readings on influence, dysfunctional aspects of leadership and emerging issues that most other texts only gloss over.” —Terri A. Scandura, University of Miami
“The second edition of this landmark work on leadership, edited by Vecchio, could have been subtitled 'From Good to Great,' as it is an improvement on his first edition (1997), which is considered a seminal work. More specifically, this six-part, 35-selection compilation includes classic scholarly and practitioner-focused articles; selections representing current thinking on the topic of leadership; and a number of original selections written by the editor and his colleagues. Faculty and graduate students, as well as practitioners in executive development programs, will find this an excellent resource on leadership and management development. Highly recommended.” —Choice
“Thirty-five papers examine the major theories in the field of leadership. The current edition has been updated where appropriate, while maintaining classic materials. Papers focus on an introduction and overview of leadership; power and influence; dysfunctional aspects of leadership; models of leadership; alternative views of leadership; and emerging issues.” —Journal of Economic Literature
“Now featuring eight new chapters, this expanded second edition of Leadership: Understanding The Dynamics Of Power And Influence In Organizations . . . is a completely up-to-date anthology of key writings on the subject of contemporary leadership in both its functional and dysfunctional aspects. . . . Leadership is a seminal body of work and especially recommended for both its standards of scholarship and its appropriateness for academic library reference collections and the supplemental reading lists of students aspiring to leadership positions in government, business, education, and community organizations." —Midwest Book Review
“Vecchio compiles a mix of 35 scholarly and managerial writings that discuss major theories of leadership for undergraduate and graduate courses in leadership and management, or executive MBA courses. The writings are drawn from management and leadership journals and periodicals. Coverage is of the function of leaders, myths surrounding the concept, leadership tactics, problems that occur from abuse of power and influence, formal models, contemporary views, and the roles of societal and organizational cultures, including gender issues.” —Research Book News