Introduction: Susan E. Schreiner, Augustine Our Contemporary
1. David W. Tracy, Augustine Our Contemporary: The Overdetermined, Incomprehensible Self
2. Bernard McGinn, Semper agens/Semper quietus: Notes on the History of an Augustinian Theme
3. Vincent Carraud, Pondus meum amor meus, or Contradictory Self-Love
4. Willemien Otten, The Open Self: Augustine and the Early Medieval Ethics of Order
5. Adriaan T. Peperzak, Teachers Without and Within
6. David C. Steinmetz, Luther and Augustine on Romans 9
7. Jean-Luc Marion, St. Augustine, or the Impossibility of Any Ego Cogito
8. W. Clark Gilpin, The Augustinian Strain of Piety: Theology and Autobiography in American History
9. William Schweiker, The Saint and the Humanities
10. Franklin I. Gamwell, The Sources of Temptation
11. Jean Bethke Elshtain, Augustine and Political Theology
12. Fred Lawrence, Cor ad cor loquitur: Augustine’s Influence on Heidegger and Lonergan
13. Françoise Meltzer, Ruins and Time
Notes on Contributors