Introduction—Adam A. J. DeVille
Part I. History Ancient and Modern
1. Was Priestly Celibacy an Apostolic Tradition? The Theological Stakes of a Historical Argument—David G. Hunter
2. From Antioch to America via Smyrna: Rethinking Married Priesthood and Parish Life with Ignatius, Alexis, and Polycarp—D. O. Herbel
3. Mandatory Celibacy among Eastern Catholics: A Church-Dividing Issue—James S. Dutko
Part II. Canon Law East and West
4. Recent Papal Pronouncements on the Admission of Married Eastern Catholic Men to the Priesthood: An Ecumenical Issue—Alexander Laschuk
5. Canonical Reflections on Clergy and Marriage—Patrick Viscuso
Part III. Ecumenical Considerations
6. Official Catholic Pronouncements Regarding Presbyteral Celibacy: Their Fate and the Implications for Catholic-Orthodox Relations—Peter Galadza
7. Married Clergy in The Anglican Tradition—John Hunwicke
8. The Gift to the Church of Married Clergy—Edwin Barnes
Part IV. Pastoral-Familial Life
9. Reflections on Two Vocations in Two Lungs of the One Church—David Meinzen
10. Growing Up in a Rectory: Using Oikonomia to Answer the Tough Questions Posed by the Children of Priestly Families—Julian Hayda
11. The Joys and Crosses of Clerical Families—Nicholas Denysenko
12. Marriage and Ministry: An Eastern Orthodox Perspective—William C. Mills
13. “What Did You Expect?”: A Reflection on Married Clergy and Pastoral Ministry—Andrew Jarmus
14. The Vocation of the Presbytera: Icon of the Theotokos in the Midst of the Ministerial Priesthood—Irene Galadza
Part V. Theology
15. Celibacy and the Married Priesthood: Rediscovering the Spousal Mystery—Thomas J. Loya
16. Married Priesthood: Some Theological “Resonances”—Basilio Petrà
17. Married Priests: At the Heart of Tradition—Lawrence Cross and Basilio Petrà
18. Conclusion: Toward a Theology of Married Priesthood—Adam A. J. DeVille
Appendix 1. The Toronto Tempest—Victor Pospishil
Appendix 2. Recent Views on the Origins of Clerical Celibacy: A Review of the Literature from 1980 to 1991—J. Kevin Coyle
Contributors List