“Recounting confrontations with the Catholic Church to the Boy Scouts and then fighting the state of Kentucky all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, Gay, Catholic, and American is the powerful story of a man and his family fighting tirelessly for positive change rooted in their belief in the fullness of charity.” —Jim Obergefell, co-author of Love Wins
“Gay, Catholic, and American is a delightfully written journey of a fellow Notre Dame gay alum. I am proud to have played a small part in his journey calling for equal rights for the LGBTQ Catholic community.” —Jack Bergen, ND ’77, past chair of the Gay and Lesbian Alumni of Notre Dame and St. Mary’s College
“Greg Bourke’s story is one of perseverance and tenacity, of refusing to settle for less and daring to dream big. LGBTQ Catholics and those who desire more welcoming institutions will be encouraged and inspired by reading this book.” —Michael J. O’Loughlin, national correspondent for America: The Jesuit Review
"Gay, Catholic, and American reads as a modern 'passion' story—it is a familial and compelling story of two faith-filled men and their two children who tasted life’s bittersweet moments in their unrelenting pursuit of justice, trusting in the power of faith to guide their journey and seeking to make fullness and completion in God’s charity palpable in our country. This story witnesses the triumph of love and perseverance." —Miguel Humberto Díaz , former United States ambassador to the Holy See
“Gay, Catholic, and American is a moving story about profound life, deep love, and authentic faith. Greg Bourke models for readers what it means to recognize God’s call for justice and respond with a commitment to divine love that refuses to be co-opted by others who seek to dismiss or demean difference. Through the compelling personal journey of one man, this book helps bring needed attention to the millions of other LGBTQ+ Catholics who faithfully practice their faith and love their families as much as their straight neighbors and deserve inclusion.” —Daniel P. Horan, OFM, author of A White Catholic’s Guide to Racism and Privilege
"Gay, Catholic, and American is a richly detailed memoir of Gregory Bourke’s life. Throughout, the reader is struck by Bourke’s conciliatory attitude toward his opponents, his unassuming tone, and his humility—despite an impressive list of accomplishments and accolades." —Joseph Mello, author of The Courts, the Ballot Box, and Gay Rights
"Greg Bourke’s memoir combines his and his family’s journey with the paths taken by the federal judiciary toward marriage equality, his local Catholic Church toward a warm embrace of gay and lesbian couples, and the Boy Scouts toward acceptance of openly gay scoutmasters. All heartwarming stories told with charity toward all, malice toward none." —William N. Eskridge, Jr., author of Equality Practice
"The events described in this book could be seen as ordinary and unremarkable: a man finds a partner, forms a family, gets married, forges a career, and becomes a leader in his community, all while devotedly practicing his religious faith. But it becomes an extraordinary and exceptional story when you read what it took to pursue happiness, acceptance, and equality in all those arenas of his life while still remaining steadfast in that faith. In this way, Greg Bourke’s Gay, Catholic, and American is also both universal and personal, providing a compelling read for any audience." —Christine Becker, author of It’s the Pictures That Got Small
"Greg Bourke’s remarkable memoir Gay, Catholic, and American is about how he and his husband became plaintiffs in one of the most pivotal Supreme Court cases in LGBTQ+ history. . . . Bourke’s story is directed by perseverance, grit, and faith. Throughout, he refuses to accept that his sexual orientation and his religion cannot coexist. His text is inspirational, humble, and engaging." —Foreword Reviews
"In the Beatitudes, Jesus says that those who hunger and thirst for justice will be satisfied. Gay, Catholic and American is the story of one family’s journey in that quest. Greg Bourke weaves in the struggle, fear and hope of the journey to be recognized as a family and a full participant in our society. He engagingly recounts the struggles, fears and hopes of that journey that results in a compassion we can all learn from." —Simone Campbell, SSS, author of Hunger for Hope
“Bourke, one of the plaintiffs in the Supreme Court case that legalized gay marriage, shares his story of activism and devout Catholicism in this detailed . . . debut. . . . . [His] smooth, tidy narrative of activism pulls back the curtain on one of the most influential Supreme Court cases of modern American history.” —Publishers Weekly
"Living as an out gay man in the 1980s and ’90s, Bourke struggled to find acceptance, but he did not become an activist until his ouster as a Boy Scout troop leader in 2012. His memoir chronicles a personal journey that became public with Bourke at the forefront of the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court case, Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide." —Notre Dame Magazine
"Gay, Catholic and American is a book about both past and ongoing struggles for LGBTQ+ equality, and reminds readers that these battles are important, even, and perhaps especially, when they are being waged at the most local level." —New York Journal of Books
“I want to get to LGBTQ Catholics, those who have been hurt, who feel like they’ve been marginalized, who have given up, and I want to encourage them not to do that,” Bourke says. “I want to give hope to people, that they don’t have to choose between their identity as a queer person and their identity as a Catholic—they don’t have to be mutually exclusive. I hope I presented an example of what it might look like to be able to have both.” —Greg Bourke, We Are ND
"Readers curious about how one devout Catholic lives with the tension among official church teaching, his personal spiritual experience and his sexual orientation will find Bourke’s detailed account thought-provoking. Gay, Catholic, and American can inspire both L.G.B.T. and straight Catholics who seek reconciliation." —America
"Bourke’s memoir tells one story of how LGBTQ+ Catholics in the U.S. have navigated complexity and contradiction along the way: with faith, perseverance, and the belief that their families are equal and blessed." —New Ways Ministry
"Gay, Catholic, and American is recommended for colleges, seminaries, and parish libraries where the subject is discussed, positively or negatively." —The Catholic Library World
“A story that has the potential to disrupt some stereotypes.” —Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity