Notre Dame Press 2019–2020 Year at a Glance

Each year, Notre Dame Press connects the ideas of leading scholars and experts with new readers. In celebration of Notre Dame Day, we’re pleased to share the Notre Dame Press 2019–2020 Year at a Glance, which showcases the reach and impact of the press.

Though this was a challenging year, Notre Dame Press maintained the highest levels of academic excellence, publishing 55 books, winning 21 awards, and receiving over 200 reviews or features in major media outlets, including Time, USA Today, and C-Span. In addition, we worked to counter the impacts of the coronavirus on the Press and on the communities we serve. Our efforts included:

• applying for and receiving an NEH CARES grant, which includes funding to expand our efforts to communicate with scholarly communities and to increase access to our titles

• partnering with JSTOR to make our ebook collection free to over 1,800 participating institutions for 5 months in order to assist with the migration to online learning and research

• launching a new First-Time Authors Fund and Royalty Giveback Program

• implementing a nationwide student discount program to assist students while incentivizing direct purchases.

Learn more about the great work of Notre Dame Press in our Year at a Glance, and consider joining us in fostering the next generation of scholars by supporting our Notre Dame Day fundraising campaign.

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