The pets have reviewed our books and are eager to share some of their favorites with you.

First, meet Po, an adventurous reader who enjoys historical works. She has a special appreciation for Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s novels on the Russian revolution. “One of my nine lives was spent as as cat on the streets of Petrograd,” she told us, nodding sagely and blinking at a distant half-memory. “The Red Wheel epic makes me feel like I’m there again, but from the comfort of my twenty-first century couch.”

Next, Moxie invited us over to hear about her love for Clothing the New World Church: Liturgical Textiles of Spanish America, 1520–1820, which explores the little-studied world of liturgical textiles and the role they played in the foundation of the Latin American Church. “I just love going new places and seeing new things,” she said, “and I feel like I really get to do that with this book! It’s like a good, long walk through beautiful art. So, it’s many things I love in one place!”

Steve stalked by unexpectedly and updated us on his recent reading: Ars Vitae: The Fate of Inwardness and the Return of the Ancient Arts of Living. Something of a contemplative himself, Steve has found this book to be a refreshing dip into traditions of leisure and the cultural and philosophical practices that have been enriching lives for centuries. “Like me,” he said, “the ancients are always present but not always seen and heard. They’re always worth paying attention to and learning from, though. Pick up this gem today.”

Most recently, we found our friend Rolo snuggling with a buddy as they finished Stories from Palestine. He told us that such a moving and thought-provoking book needed to be shared. “These experiences of Palestinians, and the creativity with which they’ve responded to all kinds of issues—social, cultural, professional—make me wonder how I can make more of my own little world,” Rolo said. “I will happily accompany anyone who wants to read this book! I could spend quite a while chewing on it. I’ll try to not make it illegible, of course.”
To take Rolo up on his offer, earn the attention of Steve or Po, or experience the world of art with Moxie, check out these recommendations while you can still enjoy 40% off with promo code 14CATS or 14DOGS!