Notre Dame Press Director Stephen Wrinn Interviewed in NDWorks

University of Notre Dame Press Director Stephen Wrinn is interviewed in the latest issue of NDWorks. The piece, written by Natalie Davis Miller, captures how Notre Dame Press operates today. Miller describes how the editorial staff selects titles to be published among hundreds of submissions, outlines how the ND Press team guides a manuscript from submission to publication, and explains the Press’s critical role within the academic ecosystem, which fosters the next generation of scholars and thinkers. 

Notre Dame Press was founded in 1949 and published three books during its first year, including “God and the World of Man,” by Rev. Theodore M Hesburgh, C.S.C. Today, Notre Dame Press publishes roughly 55 to 60 books annually. Wrinn explains how the Press gives Notre Dame faculty members the best opportunity to learn about getting their work published by conducting workshops for graduate students and junior faculty on how the publishing industry works and how to go about submitting a proposal to a university press. Other subjects covered include what gets published, creating a financially sound and sustainable publishing program, book sales, and how Notre Dame Press books are distributed throughout the United States and internationally.

“The future looks bright,” Wrinn said, “given our stellar backlist and forward-thinking editorial program that seeks to publish the best books in fields that complement our University’s mission.” You can read the article here.

This piece first appeared at

For more information, contact Kathryn Pitts,, 574.631.3267.

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