Latino Studies at NDPress

Notre Dame Press is proud to have been publishing important works in Latino Studies for decades. The first Latino Studies books at the press were published in the 1970s, twenty years before the Institute for Latino Studies was founded at the university. One of our early prominent authors was Julian Samora, a pioneer in the field of Latino Studies and a brilliant intellectual, and a professor of sociology here at Notre Dame. His legacy formed the foundation that the Institute was built on, and the Press is thrilled to continue to carry and promote his work. 

Our backlist shines with titles that bring scholarship, history, and analysis to your shelves. Some titles have been updated with new editions, bringing them back into the spotlight with contemporary perspectives. 

Don’t miss these backlist gems that cover a wealth of the Latino experience.

Barrio Boy:
40th Anniversary Edition

by Ernesto Galarza

First published in 1971, this memorable and important memoir received a second edition in 2011. Galarza’s classic work has been assigned in high school and undergraduate classrooms across the country, profoundly affecting thousands of students who read this true story of acculturation into American life.

La Raza:
Forgotten Americans

by Julian Samora

In 1973, there were more than four million Spanish-speaking Americans in five Southwestern states. This book not only details the history of how this minority group came to be, but delves into the religion, political activity, civil rights, and more of a group with such potential that politicians refer to it as the “sleeping giant.” The material looks forward to growth and development in this community that we can examine today. 

A History of the Mexican-American People:
Revised Edition

by Julian Samora

When A History of the Mexican-American People was first published in 1977, it was greeted with enthusiasm for its straightforward, objective account of the Mexican-American role in U.S. history. This new, revised edition of the book continues the history of Mexican-Americans up to the early 1990s, and continues to be used in classrooms in both the high school and the college level.

Race and Class in the Southwest:
A Theory of Racial Inequality

by Mario Barrera

Focusing on the economic foundations of inequality as they have affected Chicanos in the Southwest from the Mexican-American War to the present, Mario Barrera develops his theory as a synthesis of class and colonial analyses in this impactful work that speaks to Chicano history as well as the Chicano experience today.

The Chicano Experience:
An Alternative Perspective

by Alfredo Mirandé

For more than thirty years, and now in its ninth printing, Alfredo Mirandé’s The Chicano Experience has captivated readers with its groundbreaking analysis of Chicanos in the United States. Although its original context differs markedly from the current demographic landscape, it remains searingly relevant. This revised, second edition of The Chicano Experience offers a new interpretation of the social, cultural, and economic forces that shape the situation of Chicanos today.

Latino Ethnic Consciousness:
The Case of Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans in Chicago

by Felix M. Padilla

Focusing on Mexican-American and Puerto Rican populations in Chicago, Latino Ethnic Consciousness documents the development of a collective Hispanic or Latino ethnic identity, distinct and separate from the national and cultural affiliations of Spanish-speaking groups. Author Felix Padilla explores the internal dynamics and external conditions, which have prompted this move past individual group boundaries to a broader ethnic identity.

Beyond Aztlan:
Ethnic Autonomy in Comparative Perspective

by Mario Barrera

Beyond Aztlan argues that Mexican Americans, who have scored limited gains in their struggle for equality since the 1940s, prove to be no exception to the rule that cultural identity is something an ethnic group gives up in order to achieve economic and political parity. Barrera compares the situation of Mexican Americans to that of minority groups in four other countries and concludes that equality does not necessarily require assimilation—a theme relevant and pressing in our current cultural climate.

Gringo Justice
by Alfredo Mirandé

Beginning in 1848 and working up to 1994, Gringo Justice is a comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the experiences of the Chicano people with the legal and judicial system in the United States. Mirandé’s theory of Gringo justice is developed and applied to specific areas—displacement from the land, vigilantes and social bandits, the border, the police, gangs, and prisons.

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