As we start the new year, it’s the perfect time to look back at some of the fantastic backlist titles NDPress has published. Each of these books helped shape the conversation in their respective topics, and they serve as important points of reference for continuing conversations today. Take a look at these “new” titles from the NDPress backlist!
The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation
by Chaïm Perelman and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca
“It is difficult to see how any rhetorician, rhetorical critic, logician interested in verbal logic, or student of either philosophical or popular argument can claim full competence without familiarity with this work. It challenges the orthodoxies of all and suggests fresh modes of inquiry to all.”
—The Quarterly Journal of Speech
A Critique of the New Natural Law Theory
by Russell Hittinger
“Dr. Hittinger’s book causes us to remember how genuinely delicate and refined is the balance between reason and faith in St. Thomas’ view of human knowledge and its relationship to reality. . . . Hittinger’s book is well researched and worth reading.”
—The Thomist
Beyond the New Morality: The Responsibilities of Freedom, Third Edition
by Germain Grisez and Russell Shaw
“Grisez is a highly regarded Catholic moral philosopher. Shaw has a similar reputation as a Catholic writer and public affairs expert. The authors deftly and firmly refute all systems such as consequentialism, proportionalism, and situationalism which imply that moral truths aren’t meant to teach man how to behave. . . . This text has many merits.”
—National Catholic Register
Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law in New Democracies
edited by A. James McAdams
“This exceptional collection of eight case studies succeeds by presenting an analysis based on primary source materials. . . . Political scientists, legal scholars, historians, comparativists, and human rights experts will profit from studying the successes and failures of eight fragile democracies that have tested varied responses to crimes against humanity. . . . Highly recommended.”
Religion and the New Ecology: Environmental Responsibility in a World in Flux
by David M. Lodge
“The book reflects the conviction that we must establish significant coherence between our historical, scientific, and religious understandings of nature if we are to effectively address current and emerging environmental problems . . . the editors effectively frame the overarching problems and the essays are serious, although still accessible to readers from various backgrounds.”
—The Quarterly Review of Biology
New Directions in Development Ethics: Essays in Honor of Denis Goulet
edited by Charles K. Wilber and Amitava Krishna Dutt
“. . . a scholarly anthology of essays from economists, philosophers, and development experts, all contending with the thorny issues of the moral ramifications of technological and commercial development. . . . Assembled to honor the life and work of Denis Goulet, who made a pivotal contribution to the practice of ethical guidelines for responsible development, New Directions in Development Ethics, is an invaluable contribution to college library shelves and should be required reading for anyone involved in planning development.”
—Midwest Book Review
New Directions in Medieval Manuscript Studies and Reading Practices: Essays in Honor of Derek Pearsall
edited by Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, John J. Thompson and Sarah Baechle
“As a tribute to a distinguished scholar, this volume of essays could hardly be finer. Assembled from contributions presented in London at the 2011 conference in honour of the 80th birthday of Derek Pearsall, the range and diversity of subjects covered are as absorbing as the work of the man himself.”
—The Review of English Studies
Vico’s New Science of the Intersubjective World
by Vittorio Hösle
“This is among the best single-volume companions to the Scienza nouva available, and will be of interest to students and more established scholars alike. It will sit comfortably alongside other accomplished recent works on the Scienza nuova.”
—Catholic Library World