Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar is one of the most important Catholic scholars of the twentieth century. Now in paperback, The Eucharistic Form of God: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Sacramental Theology is the first ever book-length examination of Balthasar’s theology of the Eucharist.
Author Jonathan Ciraulo examines Balthasar’s contributions to sacramental theology by bringing to light less commonly discussed topics like the doctrine of the Trinity, the Incarnation, and soteriology. He also compares Balthasar’s eucharistic theology to contemporary Catholic theologians, putting Balthasar and his sources in dialogue with Louis-Marie Chavalet and Jean-Yves Lacoste. Ciraulo ultimately demonstrates how Balthsar’s writing can significantly reshape the field of sacramental theology.
Drawing upon liturgical studies, sacramental theology, and systematic theology, The Eucharistic Form of God provides an excellent interdisciplinary survey for those interested in Balthasar’s work. According to American Academy of Religion, “This profoundly penetrating study on a pivotal aspect of Balthasar’s theology has been extensively footnoted and seems intended for well-grounded theologians. It could be appropriately employed in a graduate seminar, or an advanced class at a seminary, on modern theology.”

The new paperback edition is available for purchase on the Notre Dame Press website.
Jonathan Martin Ciraulo is assistant professor of systematic theology at Saint Meinrad Seminary.