Daniel Mark Named Second Recipient of First-Time Author Award

Daniel Mark was named the second recipient of the Notre Dame Press First-Time Author Award for his forthcoming book, The Nature of Law: Authority, Obligation, and the Common Good.

In this book, Mark challenges the prevailing understanding of the authority of law and offers a theory of moral obligation that is rooted both in command and in the law’s orientation to the common good.

“We are delighted to support Daniel Mark and his first book, The Nature of Law,” said Michelle Sybert, Assistant Director of Notre Dame Press. “Professor Mark’s exploration of legal, moral, and religious obligation is timely and essential, and this Award will help to expand the reach and impact of his work.”

Daniel Mark is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Villanova University. Mark has published numerous journal articles and book chapters in the fields of political science and political theology.

To affirm their commitment to early-career scholars, the University of Notre Dame Press will recognize a promising scholar each year with this award, which includes an honorarium to support the first-time author’s research, professional development, or promotion of their book and a subsidy to underwrite the press’s costs in producing and promoting the work.

First-time academic authors typically lack the funding and support provided to tenured faculty and do not have an established audience, making outreach and advertising more difficult. The First-Time Author Award is made possible thanks to the generous donations of Notre Dame Press readers, authors, and staff.


LEARN MORE: Gifts to the First-Time Author Fund promote fresh and exciting ideas in the academic community and help propel new scholars forward in their career. Learn how to support early-career scholars here

ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS: The University of Notre Dame Press, celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary in 2024, is the largest Catholic university press in the world and publishes academic and general interest books that engage the most enduring questions of our time. The Press primarily publishes in areas that align with the academic strengths of the University of Notre Dame, including religion, theology, history, philosophy, political science and theory, medieval studies, Irish studies, Latin American studies, and international relations. Through reviews, scholarly citations, and translations, Notre Dame Press books extend the reach and reputation of the University.

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