“Contemporary Aristotelian Ethics” by Arthur Madigan Wins 2024 Choice Magazine Outstanding Academic Title Award

The University of Notre Dame Press is proud to announce that Arthur Madigan’s Contemporary Aristotelian Ethics has been selected as one of Choice Magazine’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2024. This award is given annually to books for masterful scholarship and presentation, originality in the treatment of their subject, and exceptional contributions to their field. Only three percent of the nearly 13,000 books reviewed by Choice receive this prestigious award. 

In Contemporary Aristotelian Ethics, Madigan concludes that the most pressing problems in contemporary moral philosophy can be addressed using the Aristotelian tradition. Furthermore, he argues that the Aristotelian tradition does not speak with one voice. He demonstrates that Aristotelian moral philosophy is divided on important issues, such as the value of liberal modernity, the character and provenance of our current moral landscape, and the role of nature in Aristotle’s ethics.

Through his examination of MacIntyre, Nussbaum, and Spaemann—three of the twentieth century’s most influential proponents of Aristotle’s moral philosophy—Madigan offers a vision for the future of Aristotelian moral philosophy, urging today’s philosophers to set a clear educational agenda, to continue refining their concepts and intuitions, and to engage with new conversation partners from other philosophical traditions.

This book is available at undpress.nd.edu or wherever books are sold. We encourage you to support your local independent bookstore either in person or online. For more information, contact: Quinn Baumeister, qbaumeis@nd.edu, 574.631.3267.

ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS: The University of Notre Dame Press, the largest Catholic university press in the world, publishes academic and general interest books that engage the most enduring questions of our time. The Press primarily publishes in areas that align with the academic strengths of the University of Notre Dame, including religion, theology, history, philosophy, political science and theory, medieval studies, Irish studies, Latin American studies, and international relations. Through reviews, scholarly citations, and translations, Notre Dame Press books extend the reach and reputation of the University

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