Category: 75th Anniversary

Spotlight: Author Impact

Spotlight: Author Impact

Notre Dame Press proud to not only promote scholarly conversation through publishing, but also aid authors with their own development. But don’t just take our word for it! Below, just… READ MORE

Thomas Merton on Contemplation

Thomas Merton on Contemplation

As part of our 75th anniversary celebration, we’re highlighting several of the incredible authors on our lists and the important works that we’re proud to put on your shelves. We’re… READ MORE

Thomas Merton on Faith and Violence

Thomas Merton on Faith and Violence

With seventy-five years of publishing under our belt, Notre Dame Press is proud to have a wide collection of impressive authors in our catalog. As part of our 75th anniversary… READ MORE

Spotlight: Accessibility Committee

Spotlight: Accessibility Committee

Find out from Matt Dowd, managing editor and member of our accessibility committee, how UNDP has already taken big steps toward updating our workflows and processes for accessibility and is… READ MORE

Spotlight: First-Time Author Fund

Spotlight: First-Time Author Fund

About the First-Time Author Fund The University of Notre Dame Press believes in the power of books to change the world by advancing knowledge and impacting lives. By donating to… READ MORE

The Treatises of St. Thomas Aquinas

The Treatises of St. Thomas Aquinas

As part of our 75th anniversary celebration, we are continuing to highlight foundational authors on our list that have been instrumental in advancing knowledge across subjects and disciplines. Scholarly work… READ MORE

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