Category: Notre Dame Interest

Springing Forward with Personal Growth

Springing Forward with Personal Growth

Spring is a wonderful time of growth, and there’s no reason that growth has to be limited to plants! From personal essays on the journey of life to theological explorations… READ MORE

Reflecting on Leadership

Reflecting on Leadership

As Notre Dame Press celebrates its 75th anniversary, we’re highlighting thought-provoking and inspiring stories about leadership. Take a look at five of our titles that feature different leaders across time… READ MORE

The Twelve Days of Notre Dame

The Twelve Days of Notre Dame

As the Christmas season approaches, we want to get in the holiday spirit with some of our great Notre Dame titles! Whether they’re gifts for a loved one or for… READ MORE

Campus Tour with Notre Dame Press

Campus Tour with Notre Dame Press

It’s time for a campus tour! Not just any tour—we’ll be pairing books from the Notre Dame Press backlist with must-see sights around campus. Want to get a head start?… READ MORE

Classics from Notre Dame Press

Classics from Notre Dame Press

Our backlist is full of books that continue to be an integral part of discussion in their respective fields and beyond. From philosophy, to theology, to memoirs, Notre Dame Press… READ MORE

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