The First-Time Author Fund underwrites the promotion and production costs of one first book per year and provides an award directly to the author to aid their scholarship, professional development, or the promotion of the book.
To lend your support to these field-shaping (and hopefully career-launching) books, click the donate button below and enter “Notre Dame Press First-Time Author Fund” in the field labelled “Add a comment with your gift.”
The University of Notre Dame Press and the authors thank the following donors for their generous support.
Paul and Allegrita Ashenfelter
William Becker
Karen Clay
Dr. Matthew and Amy Dowd
David Juarez
James and Joanne Kee
Jake Kildoo
Dick Klein
Fritz Heinzen
Evan & Rose Holguin
Harv Humphrey
Steffi and Reed Marchman
Wendy McMillen
Adeline O’Connor
Oluwatomisin Oredein
Katy Orenchuk
Grant Osborn
Kathryn Pitts
Jayne B Riley
Mark and Barbara Roche
Michelle Sybert
Stephen Wrinn