Catholic Schools and the Common Good
Series editor(s): Ernest Morrell and Nicole Garnett
Catholic Schools and the Common Good, a collaboration between Notre Dame’s Institute for
Educational Initiatives and the University of Notre Dame Press, is the first book series devoted to
researching the largest private school system in the world. Volumes in this series provide both
original research on Catholic schools specifically and comparative research on the effects of
Catholic vs. other schooling sectors. The books in the series will focus on the K–12
educational system, examining a wide variety of topics in order to understand trends and
establish best practices in Catholic education in the United States and globally. Intended to
provide practical advice and theoretical underpinnings, books in the series will provide useful
information and ideas for Catholic educators and administrators.
Open Series: If you are an author with a proposal that seems to fit one of the Open series, please submit it to our Acquisitions Department.