Part 1. Mexican-American Faith Communities in Texas the Southwest
1. Antecedents to the Twentieth Century
2. The Immigrant Church, 1910-1965
Summary and Conclusion
Part 2. The Mexican Catholic Community in California
1. Establishing the Mexican Catholic Community in California: A Story of Neglect?
2.\ Catholic Ministry in the Era of the “Mexican Problem,” 1910-1943
3. Spirituality and Clergy
4. A New Era: World War II and After
5. Migrants and Braceros
6. The Mexican-American Catholic Community Comes of Age, 1960-1965
Part 3. The Catholic Church and the Making of Mexican-American Parish Communities in the Midwest
1. Midwestern Catholicism and the Early Mexican Parishes, 1910-1930
2. Depression, Survival, and Fragmented Religiosity, 1930-1945
3. Parish Growth and Barrio Diversity, 1945-1965