The Works of Stanley Hauerwas

The work of Stanley Hauerwas has been deeply influential to the disciplines of both theology and ethics. His perspectives have started conversations and continue to fuel discussions today, inspiring new and old scholars alike. 

Notre Dame Press is proud to publish many of Hauerwas’s works, as well as titles in conversation with him. Take a look at our catalog for a full list of Hauerwas titles, and read on for a highlighted look at specific titles.

Hauerwas Catalog

“In this, the best of his books to date, Stanley Hauerwas takes up again the task of presenting an ethical framework for Christian morality. . . . Significant and intellectually exciting . . . every teacher of Christian ethics should be familiar with this landmark.”


“Katongole gives us the best critical analysis of Hauerwas’ work currently available.”

Pro Ecclesia

“Exciting, provocative, and challenging . . . the value of this excellent book can hardly be overstated.”

Review of Books and Religion

“This is a challenging, acute, revealing and, at times, immensely creative monograph. Rasmussen has tackled two of the icons of modern Reformed theology, Jergen Moltmann and Stanley Hauerwas, and he has done so positively and intelligently by refusing to condemn the ‘failings’ of his chosen subjects. . . . [A]n admirable study . . . but it is also an impressive theological argument . . . and as such should be read by anyone concerned with the role of ecclesiology in modern theology.”

Reviews in Religion and Theology

“[A] main road in American Christian ethics. Hauerwas’s own pursuit of the continuities, rather than the discontinuities, of the moral life has taken him several stages further on, so that this welcome reissue enables us to look back over his development. Many of the characteristics of the mature Hauerwas are already evident: the mercurial imagination, the constant struggle for shifts in Gestalt, the involved arguments, the elusive claims, the persistent concern that philosophy and theology should meet.”

Journal of Theological Studies

“Consistently provocative and rich with insight, Christians Among the Virtues deserves a wide audience. Philosophers as well as theologians will find much in it to stimulate their thinking and challenge their convictions.”

First Things

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